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Old 21st October 2019, 07:20 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 21


Five English "tennagers" all over 40 head to the funfair so their muleted desperado mate can pull a bird. He tries to crack on to any female that passes no matter what they look like he's a smooth operator for sure. He spots a lone girl getting on the waltzers and decides to stop for a little perv cause woman love a sad git staring at them 10% of the time it works every time. After some carnys start harassing the girl on the waltzers our hero and his mates jump to the rescue not all heroes wear capes some have awesome mullets and snow white socks and slip ons. After a ridiculous chase around the fun fair they all hide in a ghost train and the rest of their gang crash through the ghost train in a daring escape from the chain weidling carys. Now that five has become six with the addition of the American girl from the waltzers they set sail in their small boat for god knows what reason but soon they hit rocks and the boat starts to sink so they abandon ship and swim to the closest island where they find an abandoned hotel that is totally decked out for a New Years party with every room covered in xmas decorations and fireworks for the new year's celebrations but the strange part is its the height of summer nowhere close to New Year. Soon strange things start to happen in the hotel are the occupants playing tricks on them or is there something supernatural going on.

Oh where to start

The acting is the first thing that hit me cause its terrible their actions and decision making is so laughable. Their mates or girlfriends or boyfriends which ever are getting attacked or murdered there is no reaction they just stand there watching without trying to help and then after the murder is committed they carry on like nothing has happened budgets maybe low but it costs nothing to act upset that you mate for 20 years o whatever was just massacred in front of your eyes. When they arrive at the hotel granted they are wet and need some dry cloths but when all they find are old fashioned clothes not sure when they have to put on the accessories that come with them or style their hair to the period of the clothes best example is the one that shows up dressed as a teddy boy with the trademark slicked hair style why

Worst episode of brookside ever
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