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Old 3rd February 2010, 07:50 PM
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antmumford antmumford is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Worthing
Blog Entries: 3

The Wrestler - I thought this film was great, Mickey Rourke was very real and believable, you could tell so much personal emotions were poured into his character. I've loved all of Aronofsky's work and this was no exception, so different for him but still brilliant. Touching, depressing yet charming all in one. Films as raw as this sometimes don't quite cut it but this one was memorable and unique. Check it out.

Down in the Valley - This starts as a romance but soon descends into dark places. Edward Norton perfects the "I'm so charming that it's creepy" bloke in this, he spends the entire film so calm and collective that it actually put's you on edge. He's so unpredictable. All in all very well made and a great turn from all the cast. Worth watching indeed.
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