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Old 4th February 2010, 03:04 PM
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[QUOTE=DeadAlive;23820][FONT="Century Gothic"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Yellow"]I didn't mind "The Hills Have Eyes" and I thought "Dawn Of The Dead" was entertaining though not exactly a remake. (The term re-imagining keeps getting bantered about.) As for the rest I really have no time for them. I usually make the effort to see a remake just in case there is something there worth catching but it inevitably ends in disappointment. I'm yet to find a J-Horror remake worth recommending.

i totaly agree H H E was quite good even tho 2nd 1 wasnt but then again same as the originals 2nd wasnt that good ..... i also enjoyed TCM .... but 1 thing i deffo without a doubt i 100 agree on j remakes i detest them with a passion .....
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