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Old 10th November 2019, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
Why not after all there about 5 6 sharknado films, and loads of stupid shark films .
Here 10 .

Stupid shark films seem to be the in thing for about 10yrs, probably a tadge longer .

1. 2 Headed Shark Attack (2012)

With cinema-goers clearly growing immune to the terror of a one-headed shark, it was time to up the ante - and infect the waters with an even hungrier beast. And what's better than one set of teeth? This 2-headed variety, with an appetite for girls in bikinis like Brooke Hogan and Carmen Electra. And then? An inevitable sequel (3-Headed Shark Attack) with the headcount upped again by another 33.3 per cent.

2. Sharktopus (2010)

Starring Eric Roberts - who, if you recall, was once nominated for an Oscar - this is a sea-based reimagining of Frankenstein. Only in this case the doctor is a crazed scientist inventing killing machines, and the monster is half shark, half octopus. And unlike Mary Shelley's creation, this CGI abomination was happy to ditch the tortured, metaphysical soul-searching - and focus instead on its strict diet: young women with big boobs.

3. Sharknado (2013)

For a period in the 2010s, you get the impression that movie ideas meetings often involved gluing the word 'shark' onto the front of a natural disaster. Hence this cinematic car crash, "starring" Tara Reid – the tale of a freak tornado swamping LA. Which would be bad enough, but guess what? It's full of sharks. It's a sharknado.

4. Shark Night 3D (2011)

What should have been a wonderful getaway at a lake house for a group of friends is completely ruined when a shark starts eating them one by one. This was directed by the guy who did some of the Final Destination movies, and it's actually quite good. It's basically the Citizen Kane of really crappy shark movies.

5. Jersey Shore Shark Attack (2012)

Ever wondered what would happen if a shark attacked hundreds of Cristiano Ronaldos? Basically this. Tongue in cheek ridiculousness, this comes with the double bonus of featuring two of the greatest fictional Paulies of all time – the one from Goodfellas and the one from The Sopranos. No sign of The Situation though; a disappointing oversight.

6. Avalanche Sharks (2013)

A bikini competition in a ski resort - yes - goes dreadfully wrong when an avalanche of sharks threatens to kill everyone. We'd had sharks in the sea, a tornado of them, but sharks in the mountains, tearing through the snow? If someone told us this was written in crayon by an actual child, we would believe them.

7. Dinoshark (2010)

We've all secretly wondered what would happen if Godzilla had sex with Jaws, and this may be a decent approximation of the answer. It's a shark, but also a dinosaur. And frankly, it's causing absolute bloody chaos in Mexico. Someone should probably kill it – hey, maybe the guy who played Claire's ropey boyfriend in Six Feet Under? Ok then.

8. Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus (2009)

The movie that really put mutant sharks on the cinematic map - and it's got it all: the 1990s pop star Debbie Gibson, a shark literally jumping so far out of the sea that it bites an aeroplane, and two old foes battling it out like Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed. Only in this case Rocky is a shark and Apollo is a big octopus. Surprisingly moving.

9. Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws (2013)

The debates will range until the end of time about which movie sequels are better than the originals, and here's another to file under The Godfather Part II and The Empire Strikes Back. Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the ocean - if you really ever thought that - along comes another ghost shark.

10. Attack of the Jurassic Shark (2012)

So it turns out that 200 million years ago the waters were infested with enormous Jurassic Sharks who went around killing everything. Well, guess what? Now they're back and they want to bite some people in half. But don't worry: only really attractive ones.
They missed out Shark Exorcist on that list, ashamed to admit i watched that while sober.
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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