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Old 4th February 2010, 08:34 PM
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs's Avatar
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs bizarre_eye@Cult Labs is offline
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Some great choices so far!

I've seen most of the ones suggested so far, and have to agree on the majority being more than worthy of a look.

I have to disagree on The Ring remake; just awful IMO, and it kick-started the obsession of remaking almost every half-decent original Asian horror film... Dark Water was another terrible (and unecessary) remake IMO. Although, I do agree that the original Dark Water is nothing special, and tends to drag a bit in places. But, the benefit of the remake is that it stars the gorgeous Jennifer Connelly...

I completely forgot about the remake of The Manchurian Candidate though Pigasus - I found it to be a very good film.

My faves are undoubtedly The Fly, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (plus Ferrara's Body Snatchers is definitely worth a look too), and Nosferatu.

Anyone have any suggestions from the more recent wave of remakes? Any diamonds in the rough? Any gems worth digging out of that colossal barrel full of remake shit for?

Personally, I liked the Dawn of the Dead and the TCM remake. Also, I enjoyed Zombie's Halloween remake; I have yet to see the second installment though....
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