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Old 28th November 2019, 08:51 AM
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Justin101 Justin101 is offline
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Location: Edinburgh

Limited editions are the only way that independent companies can maximise their return on investment. Those multi film set must cost a lot in both money and hours to get together and if people know from the outset that it’s in limited quantities then they will buy it right away and pay full price for it. The company can’t afford to be sitting on stock that might end up selling at a sale price down the line.

That Godzilla set was advertised as limited and was still available to buy this week. It’s unfortunate that HMV screwed your order up but you had the chance to still get one and you didn’t do it. Perhaps when the Gammera set is announced if you really want it you should order it from Arrow’s own site.

Triumphant sight on a northern sky

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