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Old 28th November 2019, 05:47 PM
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Stigma (1977)

Stigma is certainly the most disturbing of all the Ghost Stories For Christmas. Set in the present day, well present day 1977, it's the final film of the series from director Lawrence Gordon Clark.

Where this differs from the MR James adaptations is that the subtleties of Gothic horror are long gone, Stigma melds Folk horror with what can only be described as full on body horror. The story which involves stone circles and ritual execution disturbs me more than most horror films. Kate Binchy's performance in a difficult lead role as a regular woman and mother who becomes afflicted with the stigma of bleeding uncontrollably is superb and very unsettling because it's done all so matter of factly. There's no big build up, no hysterics, she simply attempts to deal with her body bleeding for no apparent reason as best she can.

The whole thing is a bit gut wrenching and the realism frightening enough to make it a less enjoyable viewing experience than say a zombie outbreak or a mad man in a hockey mask running round with a machete. Stigma ends up being very chilling, very grim and very good but not what i'd call a fun ride.
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