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Old 17th December 2019, 04:44 AM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Woman Who Fell To Earth
(Gazing at the blue thing.)
Yasmin: And you say you just found it here?
Ryan: No, I said it appeared, out of nowhere.
Yasmin: Right.
Ryan: I swear, this isn't a prank. I came down here to get me bike.
Yasmin: And where's your bike?
Ryan: In that tree.


Graham: Grace, get back. (An interconnecting door is blown apart. A multi-tentacled thing moves slowly towards them.) What is it?
Grace: I've no idea.
(Electrical discharges from the thing trap them against the final and locked door. Suddenly, someone falls through the carriage roof with a cry.)
The Doctor: What? (They point at the being behind her. She grabs a dangling electrical cable and thrusts it into the thing, which stop sparking.) Should buy us a few seconds. (looks at the hole in the roof) Oh yeah, Long story. Tell you later. Doors?
Grace: Locked shut.
The Doctor: We'll see about that. No sonic. Empty pockets. Oh, I hate empty pockets.


The Doctor: You three, relax, but stay put. I'll check the rest of the train. Fat lot of use you two were.
(Walking through the train.)
Yasmin: Hey! Hold on there please, madam. I need you to do as I say. This could be a potential crime scene.
The Doctor: Why are you calling me madam?
Yasmin: Because you're a woman.
The Doctor: Am I? Does it suit me?
Yasmin: What?
The Doctor: Oh yeah, I remember. Sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman


Yasmin: Wait. Can you stop, please? This could be a major incident. I'm the one in charge here.
The Doctor: What are you going to do?
Yasmin: Call it in to my station.
The Doctor: What are you going to tell them?
Yasmin: The facts.
The Doctor: Which are?
Yasmin: The train was attacked.
The Doctor: By what?
Yasmin: I need to take a look at CCTV footage.
The Doctor: And why do you need to check CCTV when we all saw it with our own eyes?
Ryan: Was it an alien? Because it looked like an alien to me.
Yasmin: Oh, come on.
The Doctor: What, you think he's wrong?
Yasmin: No, I dunno, but...
The Doctor: But you're worried about how you'll explain all this to a superior officer who won't believe you.
Yasmin: I can't not report it.
The Doctor: You could hold off until we get the answers to the bigger questions.
Yasmin: Which are?
The Doctor: What was it? Why is it here? Where's it going next? And, most importantly, how do we stop it? 'Cos whatever it is, I don't think it's done. Come on, Ryan. Come on, Yaz. I'm calling you Yaz, cos we're friends now.


Ryan: Did you just make that?
The Doctor: Sonic screwdriver. Well, I say screwdriver, but it's a bit more multi-purpose than that. Scanner, diagnostics, tin opener. More of a sonic Swiss Army knife. Only without the knife. Only idiots carry knives.


Tzim-Sha: You're interfering in things you don't understand.
The Doctor: Yeah, well, we all need a hobby.
Tzim-Sha: You're not human. Who are you?
The Doctor: Me? I'm... Oh, it's gone again. I had it a minute ago. So annoying. Same question back at you. No, in fact, before that, because it's really bugging me, actually not bugging me, offending me. Why the teeth? Bad enough you kill, why take a tooth from the victim?
(It removes its faceplate to reveal that its head is studded with teeth.)
Tzim-Sha: A Stenza warrior wears his conquests. You may tell your children you were once privileged to encounter Tzim-Sha of the Stenza.
The Doctor: Tim Shaw?
Tzim-Sha: Tzim-Sha.
The Doctor: Tim Shaw.
Tzim-Sha: Tzim-Sha! Soon to be leader of the Stenza warrior race, conquerors of the Nine Systems.
The Doctor: When you say soon to be leader, what are you now, the office junior?
Graham: Eh? No, don't wind him up.


The Doctor: That tentacle-y thing is guarding Karl's crane, so we go up this one.
Yasmin: What do we do when we get up there?
The Doctor: Don't worry, I've got a plan.
Yasmin: Really?
The Doctor: Well, I will have by the time we get to the top.


The Doctor: I'm just a traveller. Sometimes I see things need fixing, I do what I can. Except right now, I'm a traveller without a ship. I've stayed too long. I should get back to finding my Tardis.
Yasmin: Doctor. Can I just say, you really need to get out of those clothes.
The Doctor: Right, yeah. It's been a long time since I bought women's clothes.


(The Doctor is putting the final touches to a very Heath-Robinson lash-up. Graham is clutching a car battery.)
Graham: How long have we got to stand here for? I'm getting cramp.
The Doctor: Seriously, Graham, trying to concentrate here.
Ryan: Do you understand what she's doing?
The Doctor: My ship uses a particular type of energy. I've tracked that energy trail from the moment I lost it to where it is now. Now, given this is a transport pod, I'm configuring it to send me to the planet where my ship seems to have ended up.
Yasmin: You're going to another planet?
The Doctor: Well, trying to. Except Stenza technology's really annoying and super hard to decipher. 139 layers, seven of which don't make sense. Right. Graham.
Graham: Yeah?
The Doctor: Clamp those onto there.
(Crocodile clips onto the battery terminals.)
Graham: All right.
The Doctor: Yaz, thread the cable onto the top. Ryan, you turn on the switch. Okay, you three, I'm almost gonna miss ya. (A microwave beeps.) That's it. It's connected up. It should work. (She sets the timer on the microwave.) Moment of truth, then. Wish me luck. And goodbye. Oh, deep breath. Not you lot. Me.
(She inhales, holds it and activates the Sheffield Sonic. The microwave timer reaches zero, power surges through cables... and they all disappear.
The Doctor opens her eyes to find she is floating in the vacuum of space - with her three new companions close by.)
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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