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Old 6th February 2010, 12:37 PM
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antmumford antmumford is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Worthing
Blog Entries: 3

Last night I watched

Vinyan: Lost Souls - Quite good, it was trying a little too hard to be creepy and different though. The final scene was rather controversial, surely it was illegal to film that, I don't know. I mean no one would be allowed to film a group of 8-10 year old girls rubbing some guys cock, surely.

Music & Lyrics - This was one I watched with my partner (Kelly.) It wasn't too bad to be honest. Hugh Grant played Hugh Grant and Drey Barrymore played Drey Barrymore. Had some good one liners. Hugh sang and played piano and was surprisingly good too. Good one to watch to keep the girlfriend happy after she said "Films are only good to you if they are subtitled", I tried to prove a point.

District 13 - Now this is more like it. Fast paced, energetic and just down right fun. Oh and yes it is subtitled. Kelly instantly fell asleep on my lap just as I pressed play. This starts off with this awesome free running scene that leaves you breathless. Then an incredible fightscene which was a cross between a Jackie Chan and Tony Jaa film but pumped with steroids. Loved it. Looking forward to seeing the sequel, District 13: Ultimatum.
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