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Old 6th January 2020, 02:19 PM
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Roughale Roughale is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Hmmmh... tough break with the new episdode in 2 parts...

I really had much more Doctor Who feeling with these, despite the Bond theme, which was not really my cup of tea and overdone a bit for my taste. The ending may be used to get back an arc-like structure I enjoyed so much since 2005 and I missed in Chibbie's first season. But the negative aspects that killed season 11 mostly for me are still there, Jodie is bad at this role, the lines feel unnatural and why does she alweays speak her thoughts? I doubt I will ever really like her as Doctor. The companions are too much like the awful teen-oriented Class, except Graham, I kinda like him, but his attempts at humour with the laser shoes - well, let's say they misfired The new Master - more like the Master of Overacting

But I am still happy to have the show back, maybe they do more good this season and then end it with a full regeneration process
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