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Old 9th January 2020, 02:31 PM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Wonder why Devil Ship Pirates wasn't part of this set?

Seems a logical companion to Blood River, especially when you see how nicely the films are linked in box set three,
As a general rule, if a label with a reputation for conscientious thoroughness leaves out something that appears to be head-slappingly obvious, you can be close to certain that there's a reason behind it that's completely beyond their control.

Enquiries were of course made about Devil-Ship Pirates, but right now the UK rights simply aren't available. Whether StudioCanal retained them or sub-licensed them to another label like Network (which has their own SC deal) I've no idea, but both scenarios suggest that whoever has them may have their own reasonably imminent plans.

That said, it was good to have an excuse to include Visa to Canton, the rarest film in the box by some distance - the fact that people have even been asking whether or not it's true that it was shot in colour (it is, it was, and that's how it'll be presented) speaks volumes in itself. I daresay it could have fitted into Volume Three, especially given that Terror of the Tongs recycled its sets, but I'm not sure what other title could reasonably have been dropped in order to make way for it - that's one of the more tightly integrated Indicator Hammer boxes.
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