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Old 20th January 2020, 10:50 PM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Why do you even bother to come on the thread if you are not interested in the slightest in how Dr Who is doing iank except to gloat and enjoy watching the demise of a series you perhaps once enjoyed?

Personally even though the new series may not be doing as well as previous incarnations were, i am happy to see some people are still enjoying something that i enjoyed in my own time.

For years Who was dead and it could have remained that way. Even if you don't like it it still represents a positive role model for a young person to enjoy and follow.

It's never going to be the same as the old stuff because those series were a product of their age as much as the new one is of today.

Do you actually watch it or just piss and moan?

Why are people so quick to criticize these days, if you think about it in terms of classic Who we are now on the Peter Davison Doctor, a bit bland.

The way you seem is that you would rather it died and didn't exist at all.

If that's the case just ignore it and pretend it isn't there.

This Dr Who is for the new generation, same as it was for us growing up.

It seems you would be happier if it didn't exist, which just comes across as " if i don't like it then nobody else should" which just seems selfish and spiteful.

Also you don't seem to take in the fact that most people these days use catch up to watch series or binge stuff when everything has been on TV.

I'm not trying to be a miserable prick,but if you're gonna be so downbeat all the time it gets to be a drag.



MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.

Last edited by nosferatu42; 20th January 2020 at 11:04 PM.
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