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Old 16th February 2020, 08:33 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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A French scientist , his assistant ( Peter Lorrie) and a sailor( Kirk Douglas) set out on a voyage to find a monster what is believed to be sinking ships, there ship is attacked and sunk by not a creature but a submarine the Nautilus and her captain Nemo( James Mason), they are the only three survivor's , it's soon obvious that while the captain brilliant he is a little unhinged and dangerous.

People today would call it un PC we have no female characters apart from two whores with Douglas at the beginning and the portrayal of the cannibals. ( what how dare the cannibals be coloured !)

If they made it today Nemo and his Crew would be all women as well as Douglas and the cannibals would now all be old white men as we all know that's the only bad guys you can have without upsetting people. 7.5/10

Now watching

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