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Old 8th March 2020, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by iank View Post
The BBC have always hated Doctor Who. They didn't want it made in the first place, they didn't want Verity Lambert doing it, they wanted to axe it in 1969, they capitulated to the loony Whitehouse brigade in the 70s, and went out of their way to sabotage the show and publicly attack it in the mid to late 80s, all while perpetually under-funding it and later under-promoting it.
That they were only willing to bring it back by slowly but surely destroying everything that made it special and unique to begin with makes perfect sense, really.

Like so many other entertainment corporations have with Star Trek, Terminator, Ghostbusters and apparently Lord of the Rings (Amazon), hope not, but things aren't looking too good. No, you're right, Who's been treated with contempt by the BBC, especially in the 1980's. Even the McGann TV Movie had a rocky reception by the BBC hierarchy, bar BBC executive Alan Yentob, who did to some degree remain supportive of Dr Who with the TV Movie. I wanted more McGann. Such a great Doctor. Just a poor TV Movie.
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