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Old 30th March 2020, 05:38 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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The Blancheville Monster. 1963.

A daughter of the count fears she will be next in line to the family curse.

This Italian/Spanish film is a re-telling of House of Usher with a nice styled gothic atmosphere, The film does start of slow and drag on then does pick up and becomes more interesting with its suspense. Ombrette Colli (credited as Joan Hill) plays the young Emilie De Blancheville who seems to think she is soon going to die to the family curse.

The dubbing on this film isn't great and quite noticeable but can be ignored with the style of acting with some parts may be a bit OTT, the eerie background score that makes it feel like a ghost story rather than chiller movie and a good stylish horror make up on the monster.

The Blancheville.jpg
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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