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Old 30th March 2020, 09:05 AM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K

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AIP Triple Bill


Tony Rivers (Michael Landon) is a teen with big anger problems. He visits a doctor (Whit Bissell) who uses hypnotherapy to regress Tony to Werewolf state.
Now a part time werewolf, Tony attacks his school friends..

Fun drive-in movie. The make up is actually pretty good and there are some standout attack moments in the movie.


Professor Frankenstein (Whit Bissell) takes the body of a teenager killed in a car crash from the scene of the accident. He then restores the youth's body using other body parts. The head of the teen is still badly mangled but wanting to go in to the outside world ends up killing a girl. The teenage monster (Gary Conway) and Prof. Frankenstein then go out looking for a new head so they can restore the monsters face..

A more gory story than the Teenage Werewolf. Prof. Frankenstein is real nasty even getting the monster to kill his fiancée to protect his secret.
The teenage monster make up looks suitably horrendous.
The last reels are in colour for the final showdown.
It is worth noting that the UK print under the title 'Teenage Frankenstein' is cut so check out the US version for extended mayhem.


A make up man at American International loses his job after 25 years as the new owners are saying horror pictures are dead. Disgruntled about this, he uses his new make up formula on The Teenage Werewolf and the Teenage Frankenstein and controls them to kill the heads of the studio..

The two teen monsters together, at least for a short while. Gary Conway resumes his role as The Teenage Frankenstein. One of the best things on show here is picking out the different masks that are on the wall from other AIP pictures such as The She Creature and The Invasion Of The Saucer men.
The last reels are colour for the fire climax.
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