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Old 20th April 2020, 02:41 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
Cult Veteran
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

Return Of The Living Dead (1985, Dan O'Bannon)

"Do you waaannna PARDY??!"
Ahem. A bunch of "punkers" have more than society's disgust to deal with after one of their number inadvertently causes a chemical spill at work. Still a lot of fun this one. The effects are still effective and the set pieces are still quite gruesome really.

My Bodyguard (1980, Tony Bill)

Adam Baldwin and Matt Dillon and an incredibly young Joan Cusack (braces even already!) star in this "coming of age" flick. New boy falls foul of the school bully yadda yadda .... befriends kooky girl and towering behemoth (Baldwin looks at least 5 years older than the rest of the cast ) to help him get through it all. Martin Mull pops up now and then but Ruth Gordon steals the show as an aging gadabout!!

Vicious Lips (1986, Albert F Pyun)

The strangest "band make it" flick since Leningrad Cowboys Go America. When the Lips (YEAH) need a new singer, no problem, the manager nips down to the local high school talent show and schmoozes an innocent lass into their world weary scene. Space travel sends them literally "to the stars"
It seems to have been made using two sets. A hoot.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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