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Old 22nd April 2020, 01:07 AM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Spasms. 1983.

A British millionaire Jason Kincaid and a American scientist Tom Brasilian form a unlikely alliance when a giant serpent from a remote island is sent to a university to be studied and breaks free.

This could have had potential with the stars of Peter Fonda and Oliver Reed as the unlikely duo, one a who spent money capturing the snake and the other a psychologist...I think, and a weird psychic link to the snake with plenty of POV shots. However the budget was low that the studio ran out of money before the film could be finished and all seemed rushed. There is quick shots of the snake as it attacks, then to the finale that doesn't make sense as the snake's head seems to be way too big for its's thin body. Cheesy 80s horror are your thing, check it out.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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