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Old 25th April 2020, 08:59 PM
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iank iank is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: May 2015
Location: QLD, Australia

Neighbours 2004. Just the one last night, and Lana wasn't in it, but managed to steal the episode anyway. Lil's thoroughly nasty mother Svetlanka's snooping around again, bribing granddaughter Serena with guilt trips and jewellery, and her parents want to know where she got this new bracelet from, which she says is from a "friend". Harold notes that they don't know all of Serena's friends, specifically mentioning "the new girl at the Coffee Shop, Lana."

David wonders if girls actually give each other jewellery.

Harold: Well, who knows how young girls show each other affection these days...

I swear, I nearly spat out my drink. That line, specifically in relation to Lana, had to be a writer having a bit of fun there.
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