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Old 27th April 2020, 09:12 PM
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Location: QLD, Australia

5 more 2004 Neighbours eps last night, and quite a lot to unpack! But first up...

Sky in lingerie.... Very... erm... aesthetically pleasing.

Boyd in lingerie... I could have lived without, though.

But it's the escalating tension between Sky and Lana that comes to a head and is the highlight of these episodes, spurred on by Lana unknowingly flirting with Boyd (the look on her face when she realises is... oh dear). I'm not entirely sure why Lana then seems to set out to deliberately wind Sky up, though perhaps she's just fed up that she can't seem to do anything right with her anyway and is sick of her hostility.

It's Sky who is subtext a-go-go here, though. Lana really does seem to get under her skin, even without trying to, and it's psychologically (and sub textually) fascinating to watch her getting so hot under the collar over her. Is this really the result of a series of misunderstandings and then some jealousy, or is there more going on here already? A bit of subconscious/sublimated "tension" of another sort, maybe?

And then it all escalates during a game of basketball, to the point of an actual physical confrontation. I'd say "poor Lana" but this is, with the benefit of hindsight, pretty hilarious really. Hey Sky, those are the eyes of your future wife you're trying to scratch out there!

Sky is aggressively all over her during the game, and then actually gets to pin her down underneath her on the ground, at which point the subtext-o-meter hits the ceiling and actually explodes.

Hell, you can even direct this subtext onto the earlier (very funny) scene with Boyd. Dressing your boyfriend up in women's underwear, Sky? Really? Hmmm....

Paging Dr. Freud!

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