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Old 28th April 2020, 06:10 PM
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Susan Foreman Susan Foreman is offline
Cult Don
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Childhood home of Billy Idol - Orpington

'Grunt! The Wrestling Movie' (1985) - Coming July 7th

"Welcome to the world of professional wrestling, a world of glamour and theatrics with bone crushing rivalries and muscle mangling madness. A World where purveyors of pain, sultans of slam and gurus of gouge reign supreme and where a headlock carries as much weight as a handshake. Grunt! The Wrestling Movie takes you behind the scenes of professional wrestling and into the life of contender Mad Dog Joe DeCurso (Magic Schwarz, Over the Top). After a mishap in the ring, Mad Dog disappears and controversy develops around his mysterious disappearance. Some people think he’s dead, others think he had mental breakdown. But for legion of fans there’s another theory, a new contender has burst upon the scene—The Mask. Is he really Mad Dog making a comeback? All the answers lie in wait in the stunning conclusion… a Battle Royale for the heavyweight championship of the world… a free-for-all survival of the fittest in the rabbit punching, gut wrenching, head butting flesh. Hold on to your seats… THE FIGHT IS ON! Directed by cult filmmaker Allan Holzman (Forbidden World, Programmed to Kill) and featuring cult TV personality Wally George, star Lydie Denier (Bulletproof, Satan’s Mistress), and wrestling legends Dick Murdock and Exotic Adrian Street"

People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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