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Old 12th February 2010, 01:23 PM
Calum Calum is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: May 2009

Originally Posted by Almar@Cult Labs View Post
24th May is the confirmed release date for Arrow Video's Blu-ray release of City of the Living Dead. Currently looks as if it will be a double-disc set as extras are still being produced - so expect the usual configuration of a BD disc and bonus DVD. There won't be a DVD only release ready in time for that date so DVD only owners will have to wait a little longer.

I've just seen the first completed documentary - a very illuminating interview with Carlo De Mejo entitled 'Carlo of the Living Dead'. Calum is the best guy to tell you more if we can get him to spill a few beans...
Thanks for the kind words Almar.

This is shaping up to be a mega-edition of City of the Living Dead and right now we can confirm that we've completed no less than three new documentaries (with more underway) and recorded a brand new audio commentary track (phew!) but, as Almar maintains, the first of these to be seen and approved is a 17 minute interview with City of the Living Dead star Carlo DeMejo entitled Carlo of the Living Dead.

We shot this in Rome and we get some nice anecdotes about the ending to the film, shooting the maggot storm and his time working with Lucio Fulci (eagle-eyed viewers will also spot him in The House by the Cemetery, whilst he has a lengthier role in Manhattan Baby too!)

In addition, Carlo was nice enough to film an introduction to the movie - so the Arrow edition will begin with his enthusiastic words.

I also have to give a very special thanks to Mike Baronas for helping us set this up.

And I also want to mention that each of these new features comes with specially commissioned animation from Naomi Holwill, who also edited and co-produced them. These are really cool and sometimes quite extensive - as I'm sure Almar will agree.

A lot of love and care has been put into this (we did these as a three person crew: myself, Naomi and Nick Frame) and I'm sure we'll announce more extras as time goes on... Believe it or not, we don't expect to be wrapped on City of the Living Dead until mid-March!

Will it all be worth it? I guess it's up to you guys to decide! But we went into this with the best intentions: To give the UK market an ultimate edition of an Italian horror flick!
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