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Old 21st June 2020, 04:08 PM
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Inspector Abberline Inspector Abberline is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Feb 2013
Blog Entries: 7
Default Bugs.

William Castle is obviously better known for his gimmick laden comedy horrors,and his amazing genius for advertising campaigns for his movies...But for me Bug has to be his most effective film,even if he only has his producer's hat on...Jeannot Szwarc directs this bugs on a rampage flick,which has plenty of moments of insect creepiness, notably when they drop down on some poor sole and start burning there victim's face...But it's the scene's where Bradford Dillman goes bonkers while living and experimenting on his bugs,this mainly involves him staring madly into the bugs,and shouting while growing a beard... Unfortunately for him the bugs seem to be getting wise to his experimentations,and seem to be evolving a group intelligence,which means they seem to be able to do crosswords and sudoku and just annoy Dillman... Unfortunately while the bug's are really effective,(some sort of large cockroaches are used in a variety of different stages of there evolution) and nice and creepy,the bugs at the end of the movie,look slightly ridiculous and a good whack with a cricket bat would soon sort the perishes out...It's one of those great PG rated movies from the 1970s...
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much..

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