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Old 22nd June 2020, 09:54 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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You Only Live Twice. 1967.

James Bond travels to Japan to find and stop a culprit who is stealing space ships and prevent war breaking out.

This one for me has always been entertaining and exciting as it takes the plot away from sunny beaches and blue ocean to Japan and Bond teaming up with the Japanese Secret Service headed by Tiger played by Tetsuro Tamba) and Charles Gey in a small role who would later star in Diamonds are Forever.

As well as having Sir Sean Connery in what was to be his last appearance as Bond, Donald Pleasence does steal the show as the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld, his presence is amazing as he seems to not alter his voice but can be seen menacing with his eye stair as he holds a gun at Bond. The set is amazing as the bad guy lair is built in a volcano thanks to production designer Ken Adam and photographed by Freddie Young who captures it perfectly as well as a good Ariel shot of Bond in his Little Nellie. it does always amaze how Roald Dahl was brought in to do the screen play and managed to captivate a perfect story.


Helga Brandt: [Bond is captured by Helga Brandt] I've got you now.
James Bond: Well, enjoy yourself.
[Brandt slaps him]
" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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