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Old 29th August 2020, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
Kermode? He's alright. He's done some good stuff on The Exorcist and The Devils. Some of his individual reviews are a bit perplexing in their conclusions e.g. Ghostbusters referenced above, and he can be a bit shouty at times. In the end he's a mainstream critic and tends to pander to that audience but I think his occasional in depth dips into cult films are usually worthwhile and insighful.

I think a lot of peoples perceptions of critics are usually down to to two things 1. delivery and 2. how they treat your personal favourites.

There are other reasons. I took a dislike to Barry Norman because he used to say that the most important part of making a film was a good script. No Barry! The most important part of film making is being able to capture an image - that's why its called film making you dunce! See, I still don't like him
I disagree Rob, because any amateur film maker can capture an image on a digital camera but without a good script their movie is crap. The horror found footage genre is testament to this.

Of course at base level you need an image to be able to make a film so in that respect it is the most important part of film making but to make a film someone would actually want to watch then the script for me is the most important part.
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