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Old 30th August 2020, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
Kermode used to be a laugh, but his heads up his arse now. Plus he hated Blue Velvet at the time, trying to be all PC and that. PASS. This has nothing at all to do with his contrarian review of Twilight btw
Everything I've read and heard was about how the film made Mark Kermode so uncomfortable that he walked out and wrote a scathing review. He later changed his mind.

Roger Ebert didn't like Blue Velvet either, writing the following in his one star review:

"Blue Velvet contains scenes of such raw emotional energy that it's easy to understand why some critics have hailed it as a masterpiece. A film this painful and wounding has to be given special consideration. And yet those very scenes of stark sexual despair are the tipoff to what's wrong with the movie. They're so strong that they deserve to be in a movie that is sincere, honest and true. But Blue Velvet surrounds them with a story that's marred by sophomoric satire and cheap shots. The director is either denying the strength of his material or trying to defuse it by pretending it's all part of a campy in-joke."
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