“VSU...You've probably been wondering what in the hell it means. We've seen some pretty wild and creative guesses but in anticipation of our Black Friday 2020 Flash Pre-order, coming this Friday, we think we need to kill the rumors and unveil the truth.
VSU = Vinegar Syndrome Ultra...as in UHD. Each VSU release will be an extra special edition UHD/Blu-ray combo pack, beginning with an internationally beloved early 80s, genre blending classic.
So you might be asking yourself "why another sub-label or spin-off?" Well, similar to VSA, these releases will not have a set frequency or yearly quantity. They'll happen as they happen. We have a couple more that we're working on, but no set plans for when they'll drop. However, just as significant, these titles might not 100% gel with the 'deeper cuts' and 'trashier' offerings many VS devotees expect and demand.
We want VSU to be a home for future RAD type titles. We saw an unexpected amount of diversity in responses to that release, ranging from excitement, to confusion, to disappointment. And we get it. Over our 8 years, VS has morphed and evolved to satisfy audience demands, while also trying to stay true to our original intention of being a home for genre films of all types (as long as they were shot on film) that were at the risk of being overlooked, forgotten, and lost, or that we simply decided needed love that they wouldn't get elsewhere. But not every film is for everyone. VSU titles are not, for the most part, going to be focused on sex and violence, which is not to say they won't include it. They're not necessarily going to be 'art' films or 'mainstream' movies either, but instead films that straddle and bend those lines a bit more than what's come to be expected with VS titles.
For subscribers (Yearly and those who picked up a Halfway package), the inaugural VSU release WILL BE INCLUDED in your subscription (and no matter what you thought of RAD, the pedigree(s) on this one should have you smiling from ear-to-ear). Future VSU titles, whenever they might emerge, will not be included in future packages but subscribers will receive exclusive discount codes (as with VSA) if they choose to pick any up.
In just under 24 hours, our Black Friday 2020 Flash Pre-order event will be live! You'll be able to secure your copies of ALL 5 of our November VS releases so you can sleep in on Black Friday morning.
It begins tomorrow the 25th at 10am EST and goes ’till Sunday at 11:59pm EST.
Only at www.VinegarSyndrome.com.
We’ll be unveiling two of our November titles, one our very first VSU and the other a long unavailable on disc early 80s slasher! We’ll also be giving a bit more info on our November Box Set!â€" 
People try to put us down
Just because we get around Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty |