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Old 10th October 2020, 08:48 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland

30 Days Of Unseen Horror

Day 10


80s anthology with three stories and plenty of that good old 80s cheese but is it a nice cheese or one of those cheeses that smells like feet and tastes like ass lets find out.

An uncle who is babysitting can't get the kid to sleep without telling him a few bedtime stories but this uncle puts his own twist on the story tales that may result in the poor child never sleeping again

The first story is about two witches and Peter who lures a cute blonde to them so they can sacrifice her. This story is not the best but there are some great makeup effects especially the body regenerating it looks brilliant even better the camera stays on the whole thing which makes it more impressive.

Next up we have an alternative modern take on Red Riding Hood. When red riding hood takes the wrong medication for her grandmother at the chemists the mix up causes the big bad wolf to visit the grandmother to get the meds that were supposed to be for him to stop him transforming. After an awkward sex scene the big bad wolf appears and things really start to get going with more great make up and gore effects.

Third and final story is Goldi Lox and the Three Bears. Mama Baer helps Papa Baer and Baby Baer escape from a mental asylum and the Bear gang return home to film Goldi Lox has moved into their house with a pile of corpses. This Goli Lox is a little different that the classic tale she has telekinetic powers so she joins the Baer gang after falling in love with Baby Baer.

This is a really really cheesy and so so 80s anthology but it's a lot of fun. There is some humor in all the stories but the uncle is the funniest part for me he is loving telling the stories and it seems like he is having more fun telling them for himself rather than the kid he is just so into the gore I absolutely loved the end of this film it really mad me laugh loud

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