Halloween 2...1981...
Just to annoy people further,I'm going on record to say I prefer Rick Rosenthal
sequel more than the first movie, there I said...And I have probably watched it more than the first as well, the old VHS copy back in the day was always on this time of year...And I certainly prefer this film to any of Mr Zombies remakes or subsequent reimaginings ...Oh I know it's not perfect, Laurie Strodes wig is well a fright to say the least, also it's obviously not NHS hospital because no one seems to be at home and shooting Michael in the eyes, without blowing his head off was either down to Very good marksmanship or well who knows ... Also the bit where the mother takes her son to A&E because he has a razor stuck in his teeth is to real for comfort, it's like the scene in The Thing where they slice there thumbs for the blood test, that's the painful bit.....
Get the pitchforks and torches guys let's burn the heretic
The first one may not be for everyone, and i'm sure we all have our favourite Halloween sequel(s)