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Old 12th December 2020, 10:23 PM
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Dreamcatcher. 2003.

Four friends go for a camping trip in Maine woods during the winter however this Winter, the town they visit is plagued by a unknown alien parasite.

Although the book was exciting to read by Stephen King, I was hesitant about the film as the trailer didn't do it much justice, it is not a masterpiece to watch (maybe once every so many years) Thomas Jane, Damien Lewis, Timothy Olyphant and Jason Lee play the older friends who rescue and befriend a young boy Douglas (Duddits) and receive a psychic gift. Morgan Freeman plays the Colonel of Blue Squad Army who has been battling Alien beings most of his Army life.

Like every other King Book, there seems to be changes to the characters, Colonel Kurtz was meant to be a total nasty prick, in the film he is seen as a man that has slowly lost the plot either by chasing aliens or exposed to their plague. There is some good bits that give out a snigger when the group head to the cabin which shows the friends can take the mickey out of each other and laugh it off. Think this is one of those situations where you either read the book or see the film but it can't be both.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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