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Old 14th December 2020, 08:29 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

The Thing. 1982.

A U.S. Research team in Antarctica, are besieged by a Norwegian helicopter chasing a dog, after gunning down the shooter, some members fly to their station where everyone is dead or missing and come across a strange creature. They soon find out the creature is a alien that can shape shift into anyone.

John Carpenter at the helm, special effects by Rob Bottin and Kurt Russell as the lead actor...what more do you want? What starts off as Science-fiction alien spaceship crashing, small shoot out then all hell braking loose with tension building up with the actors playing their role perfectly and mixed in with paranoia and claustrophobia with no where to turn and escape. The original 50s movie was a classic and Carpenter mixing it up with his vision of isolation at it's darkest. The background score by Ennio Morricone just adds more suspense to the film when tension arises and Dean Cundey providing great cinematography as always, total shame the 2011 prequel got spoiled by not following the same path as this one with the effects.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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