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Old 19th January 2021, 09:42 AM
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Rob4 Rob4 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2016

Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
Um... at no point have Second Sight made any reference to them releasing older films only, a lot of their recent releases have been fairly 'new' films in the grand scheme of things, In Bruges, The Strangers and most recently Host to name three off the top of my head...

Just because it's not your cup of tea, you don't need to come and make sarcastic comments about their business. You don't have to buy it, and suspect that you wont.
... and they have Martin and Dog Soldiers waiting in the wings so not exactly abandoning the retro crowd either.

I've still not seen The Babadook. I think I'll stream it between now and the release to see what I think...
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