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Old 26th January 2021, 12:48 PM
Trashforcash Trashforcash is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020

Yes, it's like sifting through mud to get gold with the SC collection. I had a similar experience with Return to Horror High. "Why?" I thought as I wrestled to keep my attention on the absolute s**t-show in front of me! But I recently had alot of fun with the HC commentary on Moon in Scorpio and 10 to midnight.

Most of the slasher classics have the wtf factor, but some make you wonder what they were thinking in releasing it. Scalps being a prime example (though I always regret selling my copy of that as it goes for north of £30 now).

I just worry that 88 are selling their souls to Jackie Chan and JCVD and it's all going to end in tears. I know there are some good JCVD films, but not the ones they have released. Hard Target, Uni Sol and Timecop are my limit for JCVD. Oh, and the film JCVD. As for Jackie Chan, it's all very similar.

More power to collectors of those two collections, but it's not for me. I think 88 do a great job given their limited resources though, and it's great to see them coming out with new stuff each month, unlike Arrow. Some of Arrows films have been round the block more times than Lewis Hamilton.
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