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Old 5th May 2021, 07:13 PM
Trashforcash Trashforcash is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020

Originally Posted by nicholasrope View Post
I thought that too, I have no idea how things work regarding obtaining rights and BBFC costs but I'm wondering if the costs regarding Gestapo's Last Orgy have meant that 88 Films have to recoup their loses on that title?
I imagine 88 will be ok with the financing for Last Orgy, it's probably a "no certification, no deal" situation. I've not seen the film myself, but it has a fearsome reputation. They were probably taken aback by its certification refusal though, given how everything gets through now..

Back on the big box topic, I just think they need a better flagship title to set things off. I would have launched the big boxes with Hunanoids.

On another, another topic. Does anyone know if there is a Scream set in the works anywhere? Would fit nicely into 88's I know/ Urban Legends remit. Would be good to see the original Scream released without cuts.
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