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Old 7th May 2021, 07:52 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2016

Originally Posted by The Reaper Man@Cult Labs View Post
THE POSSESSION prequel-sequel is FAR superior.
Just watched The Amityville Horror last night for the first time ever! I know, how did that happen? It came across as an overblown TV Movie, but was alright taken in that context. The worst part was a plot strand which involved a detective which was a total dead end. I can't help thinking it was there just to pad out the running time. And then there was no meet up with the Steiger priest character and the family which seemed to be what it was building to a la The Exorcist, which again was a letdown. I couldn't help thinking that the contemporaneous Burnt Offerings was far superior as a ghost story and yet did far less business.

You are right Reaps, the prequel is much better. At least it delivers on the plot threads.
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