Prom Night. 1980.
After the accidental death of a classmate, a couple of kids decide not to report or speak of it. Six years later someone is out to kill the kids at their prom night.
Did I blink and miss something or did the movie jump or skip a few scenes, i'm sure about the start the teens start getting the calls then the stalking, do their dances at the prom then the killer shows up, 3/4s of the film for a decent killing. Probably back in it's day this may have been big, suspenseful movie but this was a different kind of slow slasher movie, I may return to it but not anytime soon.
Daft question, are the sequels any better? MV5BOTI5MjZkZDMtOGI3OS00NTE2LWI3ZmItZTZjOTk1NTE2ZDc5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzMzMjU5NDY@._V1_FMjpg_UX100.jpg