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Old 5th June 2021, 05:42 AM
Trashforcash Trashforcash is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020

Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
I'm very tempted, but I've been burned too many times by major studio releases, it'll be half that price in less than 12 months. A lot of items were bought at full price (studio releases) only for them to be in flash sales and heavily discounted before I'd even got time to watch them. I'm seeing it with the 4K box sets already like Back to the Future and Lord of the Rings, both of which you can get £15-£20 off just 3 or 4 months later.

The Grefe and Rebane sets will all be cheap in Arrow sales 6 months from now. I was one of the suckers who paid £100+ for the HGL big box, now its £29.99 for the films alone. Jose Larraz was expensive and now cheap too (or was at one point). I'll wait for Grefe & Rebane.

I've pre ordered Vengence trails... but not sure why I'm paying £54.99 for something that will be half that in 6 months... ho hum!
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