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Old 7th June 2021, 08:54 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Some martial arts students are on a trip to find a fabled island that is haunted by the ghosts of martial artists that have lost their honor. On top of that the island is inhabited by cannibalistic monks who are running a deal with a gang from the mainland trafficking sex workers for the monk to feast upon. But we are not done there apart from ghosts sex worker cannibal monks and organised criminals there are also zombies on the island and the waters are also filled with man eating piranhas .

Everything about this film is absolutely ridiculous the characters the acting the dialogue the scenarios every single detail but it's entertaining as hell. The really must of worked hard to find one of the ugliest and oddest looking cast for this film . I gotta give a shout out to the director he used every opportunity possible to have tits on screen even in the most ridiculous situations just tits for the sake of tits . The martial arts is both awesome and hilarious stand out scene is when one guy tried to doing a flying kick through a truck window to stop one of the thugs getting away which as you can imagine was a completely pointless endeavour

If you like shit films and tits this is your dream come true

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