The Simpsons: Season 2.
Bart Gets an F
Mrs Krabappel is fed up with Bart's lack of enthusiasm of learning tells him to pass or re-sit the 4th grade.
Simpson and Delilah
Homer finds a new hair restoring product but can afford it and decides to put it on his work medical insurance, when his hair is restored he gets promoted to a higher paid department in the power plant.
(Guest Voice: Harvey Fierstein)
Treehouse of Horror
Homer overhears Bart and Lisa tell each other Horror stories.
The family move into a haunted house, The family are abducted by aliens Kang and Kodos, Lisa tells the story of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.
(Guest Voice: James Earl Jones)
Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
due to bad publicity with a three eyed fish, Mr Burns decides to run for governor and change the law.
Dancin' Homer
Homer becomes the baseball's new dancing Mascot after heckling at a game.
Dead Putting Society
Trying to do one up on Ned Flanders, Homer bets him that Bart can beat Todd at a game of Mini Golf.
Bart vs. Thanksgiving
Bart has a arguement with the family at Thanksgiving and decides to run away with Santa's Little Helper.
Bart the Daredevil
After seeing daredevil Lance Murdock perform a stunt, bart decides he wants to be a daredevil and jump Springfield's Gorge.
Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Maggie begins to imitate the violennce of Itchy and Scratchy forcing Marge to campaign about the violence but when she refuses to mention Michealangelo's David she is branded a hypocrite.
Bart Gets Hit by a Car
While skateboarding Bart is hit by a car driven by Mr Burns and hire attorney Lionel Hurtz to get compensation that backfires.
One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
The family go to The Hungry Sumo restaurant, while there the chef tells Homer he has eaten poison, only has 24 hours to live Homer tries to do everything from his bucket list.
The Way We Was
When their television goes off, Marge and Homer tell the kids on how they first met and Marge was taken to the prom by Artie Ziff.
(Guest Voice: Jon Lovitz)
Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
In Sunday school the kids are taught about hell and the Ten Commandments the family begin to break the 8th Thou Shalt Not Steal when Homer gets free cable.
Principal Charming
Homer tries to set up Principal Skinner with Selma only to fall for Patty, while Skinner is dating Patty he is ignored about the trouble making but it can't last forever.
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
when Grandpa has a heart attack and thinks the end is near, he tells Homer he has a brother Herb and the family set out to find him which doesn't go well for Herb.
(Guest Voice: Danny DeVito)
Bart's Dog Gets an F
After Santa's Little Helper becomes uncontrollable Homer demands the dog goes through behavioral classes or he is thrown out of the family home.
(Guest Voice:Tracey Ullman)
Old Money
Grandpa gets a girlfriend at the retirement home, when she passes away and leaves him a fortune he has no idea what to do with the money.
(Guest Voice: Audrey Meadows)
Brush with Greatness
When Homer gets stuck in a water slide and vows to go on a diet, he finds his old gym equipment and paintings Marge done, she enrolls in Art Class and Mr Burns commissions her to do a new portrait.
(Guest Voices: Jon Lovitz and Ringo Starr)
Lisa's Substitute
When Miss Hoover goes ill Lisa's class get a new substitute teacher when she begins to have a crush on. Bart decides to run for class president.
(Guest Voice: Dustin Hoffman)
The War of the Simpsons
Homer and Marge throw a party, while drunk Homer peers down Maude Flanders dress which forces Marge to go to counselling run by Reverend Lovejoy and Homer contemplates catching the biggest fish at the retreat. Back Home Bart and Lisa take advantage of Grandpa when he is left to babysit them.
Three Men and a Comic Book
Bart, Millhouse and Martin clubn together for a comic book Radioactive Man #1 but it can put their friendshipp to the test.
(Guest Voices: Cloris Leachman and Daniel Stern)
Blood Feud
When Mr Burns needs a blood transfusion, Bart has the same blood type and gives him what he needs, Homer becomes angry when Mr Burns does not return a proper thank you.
This is the start when we start to see lionel Hurtz, Doctor Nick and Kang and his sister Kodos who has a male voice with the Treehouse of Horror that the house in Bad Dream House looks like the Bates House and Amityville horror. house