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Old 3rd August 2021, 08:40 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


When a drug bust goes wrong two cops are accused by their superior officer of dealing in drugs themselves. They both get fired and try their best to move on in boring mundain jobs. When Bodes ex girlfriend shows up out of the blue his life is thrown into turmoil when friends of hers show up and try to kidnap her. Bodes former captain on thr force is now a big shot judge but he is also the head of a satanic cult the same cult his ex girlfriend is running from so now Bode is trying to save his ex and the man who cost him his job.

When i heard this mentioned in the same breath as Miami Connection i was all over this and i ordered it straight away. Did it live up the the praise DID IT FU...........

I love a bad film as long as its entertaining but this was all over the place the most random scenes nothing added up for so long. The acting is bad but its bad in a fun way. My problem with this is the lenght of the scenes there is a sex scene that has to be over 15 minutes long and it has to be 100% the most uncomfortable most cringe sex scenes i have ever seen in my life . It takes a long long time before there is any real action most of it is just pointless dialogue that goes on and on thats when you can actually hear it with how loud the background music and noise is in every scene its actually hilarious but also pretty annoying. Once the action kicks in towards the end its a great laugh but what comes before is too long and drawn out.

There are two other cuts of the film on the Vinegar Syndrome blu ray that i have to watch one is and hour and fifteen and i thing thats a long enough cut which maybe much more enjoyable the cut i watched was an hour and forty five which is way too long.

For the longer cut


This score im sure will change once i watch the shorter cut.
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