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Old 12th August 2021, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
The Psychic. 1977.

A young girl Virginia living in Italy has visions of her mum who is in England jumping off a cliff, Years later Virginia now grown up discovers a skeleton in her husband's house and investigates it but could she be looking into the future.

This was a nice suspenseful supernatural giallo from Lucio Fulci, aside from the dialogue that was made in English, dubbed in Italian then dubbed back to English that the story seemed to have one or two plot holes or parts that make little sense, this had me gripped onto the edge of the sofa with plenty plot twists that did make me go "Oh F@ck". The acting is done decently from Jennifer O'Neill as the older Virginia who becomes a detective in a mystery that is slowly pieced together. First time seeing this and won't be the last, plus some good interviews with Dardano Sachetti, Antonella Fulci and Fabio Frizzi.
I only saw this again a few weeks ago and couldn't tell you a thing about it.
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