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Old 17th August 2021, 06:27 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Location: Ireland


A group of carnies driving across country in a camper have their trip is cut short when they come across a very strange road block made up of twisted scarecrows. While trying to clear the road they are kidnapped and forced to play a game called 31. Its Halloween night and the contestants in this game must survive the night on order to escape.

When i first heard about 31 i was so excited as a massive Rob Zombie fan i couldn't wait a film filled with crazed characters on a murderous rampage and a nazi midgey how could i not be excited but could it live up to my expectations ? In a word NO.

Its not that 31 is a bad film but it feels like its missing something. There are so many great characters but i wasnt happy with how easily the victims get past each stage of the game as i said the characters themselves are great midget nazi chainsaw wielding clowns two sex slaves but for all the promise they just came across a little soft and not as menacing as i had hoped for. One character i really had a problem with was Doom Head he was billed as their go to guy to get the job done the most evil most twisted member that ensured no one survived but in reality he spends too much time trying to be philosophical and deep instead of just chopping people up and his little speaches was actually boring and dragged out.

I loved the atmosphere and the whole look that instantly says this is a Rob Zombie film plus as always he just knows how to pick the perfect music for every single scene fantastic. Yes it sounds like im really down on this film but my expectations are very high with my favourite directors so i pick at things a little more. 31 is still an enjoyable film but there are some really missed opportunities here.

To sum it up 31 is a halloween themed Running Man but no where near as good. This is the one Rob Zombie film i wouldn't revisit as often as the rest.

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