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Old 19th August 2021, 09:32 PM
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MrBarlow MrBarlow is offline
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Blog Entries: 2

Love Thy Neighbour: Season One

New Neighbours
Eddie and Joan Boothe seem to have a peaceful life until Bill and Barbie Reynolds move in who are colored which comes to a shock to Eddie, it comes more of a shock when Joan and Barbie become friends. Eddie gets a bigger shock when Bill starts work at the factory and has to work next to him.

Limbo Dancing
Joan tries some of Barbie's exotic food, Bill challenges Eddie to see who is best at Limbo Dancing.

The Petition
Eddie decides to start a petition to keep Maple Terrace black free until he sees Barbie sunbathing which gets Bill angry. With the petition only having two names on it, Eddie stirs things up only for it to back fire on him with the other neighbour Mr Baxter.

Sex Appeal
Barbie gives Joan some advice, don't wear a bra in order to get Eddie interested which he doesn't notice. Later Bill comes home and thinks he sees Joan and Bill embracing each other he decides to start a fight in the street.

Factory Dispute
A new piece of machinery has arrived Eddie and Bill dispute on who should use it, so they go on strike, Joan and Barbie decide they will strike as housewives and let the men fend for themselves.

The Seven Year Itch
Barbie and Joan think their husbands are straying and decide to set up Eddie and Bill, Eddie and Bill know what's going on and decide to stay out later than normal.

Refused a Drink
Eddie gets excited to meet Harold Wilson but Bill decides to vote on someone else. To prove a bet Eddie takes out Bill to prove that black people can get served anywhere and gets himself coloured up, which backfires.

Jeez I haven't laughed so much in ages, Jack Smethurst and Rudolph Walker are brilliant as the two warring neighbours Eddie and Bill. Eddie looks terrified at meeting the neighbour that the look he gives it's like he just met Satan. I don't think I have heard the words "nig nog or sambo" being said so many times and white honky, there are times you see the actors breaking character and trying to hide their smiles and sniggers.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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