Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs It was only the other day you were saying you hadn't bought anything in months. Sort out the stuff you really want then buy away. |
I know, I know. I’m all over the place. I don’t know what I want! My other hobby (cycling) is almost as expensive as collecting movies and with the weather having been cracking recently, I’ve treated myself once or twice in that avenue.
It’s mad though - When the Slasher and Italian collections began I bought the titles individually as they came out. Then I fell behind (15 missing from the Slashers and 30 from the Italians) and now it feels like a really massive purchase, rather than just a wee £10-£20 here and there.
Anyway, I nicked into my local HMV earlier this afternoon and ticked 6 off the missing Slashers, bringing it down to only 9 missing, and 1 off the Italians.
I’m not sure I’ll continue with the Italians. I love the Gialli and the other horrors, but I can’t be bothered with the westerns or the stuff like “eleven days…†and “Beatrice Censiâ€.
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