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Old 2nd September 2021, 09:00 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

I raided the 88 Films sale: I got (Yes, I probably will regret some of these lol):

Terror Train (After watching a Trailer, I was glad this was in the sale, I wasn't going to pay full price though)

2019: After The Fall Of New York
Universal Soldier: The Return
Beyond Darkness
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights (When I was younger, I kept on seeing it in my video Shop so I'm curious about this one)

Spiritual Boxer
Vengeful Beauty
Oily Maniac

I know I've mentioned this before but the Films chosen for this promotion does seem to be random. However I'm wondering whether they'll be a part II where some more titles are added.

Even though it makes it seem like an event, I'm not sure whether having one sale (Around once a year) is a good thing. There are titles I'm interested in but (Selfishly) doesn't seem to be worth full price.

I've seen other possible titles but I have doubts about. They are:

Luther The Geek
Eight Diagram Pole Fighter
Bone Yard
Happy Hell Night
Street Trash

Anyone seen these
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