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Old 21st September 2021, 09:55 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Two Evil Eyes (1990)

Two genre legends in George A Romero and Dario Argento team up to make a couple of tales from the master of the macabre Edgar Allan Poe in The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar (Romero) and The Black Cat (Argento)

A match made in heaven surely?

Well, not really. At around an hour each the stories are padded and too long, especially in Romero's case as his kill him for the money story becomes tedious, Argento fares slightly better thanks to a good showing from Harvey Keitel as Rod Usher (A bit of mix and matching going on there) and some classy directorial flourishes from the director as well as fun gore that divert from the predictability of it all.

I watched this on dvd for the first time in years to see if i wished to upgrade to Arrow's Blu-ray some time in the future. I don't.
Completely agree with this, such a disapointment
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