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Old 8th October 2021, 02:46 PM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K

THE MUMMY (1932)

Universal begin thier Mummy series. Not linked to any of the Mummy films that were to follow. This movie sees The Mummy restored to life in the form of Boris Karloff as Ardeth Bay. The wrapped Mummy only appears for minutes at the start of the movie which is a shame because the make up is great.


I've mentioned this before but my Mum and Dad went to see this movie on release. My Dad thought he may have to take my Mum outside as she did not feal too good when Donald Pleasance is crushed by the bear. She thought she could hear his bones cracking! So this movie is a nostalgic for me as I always think of that when watching the film.

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Superb slasher! Great effects by Tom Savini and a chilling soundtrack.What more can you ask for? Great stuff!
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