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Old 13th October 2021, 08:20 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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The Balls are back!
A highly enjoyable sequel with some good kills and gore.

It's been seven years since the events of the first movie, Mike( who's now a totally different person) is released from a mental institution and teams up with Reggie to hunt down the tall man who's traveling West across the country destroying small towns and building his army of undead dwarfs. Action packed and very straight forward plot wise compared too the first.

Not as bad as I was expecting , some fun too be had with some gruesome kills even if this is not as gory as the other films. I kind of liked the idea of the foundation, the victims /hero's are a completely unlikable bunch and i couldn't wait for them too be killed in the most violent ways, which had me routing for the foundation but maybe that was the point, that under our veneer of civilization we are still savages.

Now watching one of my favourites which is the film that probably started my love of horror.

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