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Old 27th October 2021, 09:00 PM
nicholasrope nicholasrope is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Dec 2012

Snowpiercer: Season 2

Following on from the Revolution, the passengers of Snowpiercer have to deal with the Train's Creator, Mr. Wilfred (Played brilliantly by Sean Bean) who is an ego maniac.

As in the 1st Season, alliances are created as both Layton and Wilfred have allies.

You also have the dynamic of Melanie's relationship with her estranged Daughter and Wilfred's strange relationship with Audrey.

You see all the excesses that Wilfred enjoys as well as his power over people with a particular fetish he has in the Bath where he's able to convince people to slit their Wrists. (Very powerful and well done stuff)

Ruth was an annoying (In a good way) character but felt that she turned far too quickly.

Like the 1st Season, it was enjoyable and I do like that they are able to wrap up storylines whilst giving you an indication on where things are heading for the next Season. It's good not having a major cliffhanger as it allows me to let it on the backburner until the next Season.
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