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Old 5th November 2021, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
The term 'woke' is ridiculously misused and nebulous. It only came to performance in the last five years and you're applying it to a TV show made 17 years ago.

I don't know how you can say Tom Baldwin, Diana Skouris, or Lily Tyler are racists. Lily's husband, Richard (Mahershala Ali), is black.

Should of said remake which I thought I had. Most of the 4400 in the first episode are black which I don't have a problem with But those are stereotypes and only seen one white character who isn't portrayed racist or stupid in someway.

The original was brilliant show but this suffers from the same problem as a lot of new shows , even if they got rid of its agenda that seems too be whites are evil especially white men still think it would be poor with the bad writing of the main characters , it's not hard to write a show about racism plenty of older shows have done it but most shows today can't without being as subtle as sledgehammer

If the pilot is anything too go by and they are trying too tackle social issues and diversity they have failed the original did a much better job .

Last edited by trebor8273; 5th November 2021 at 08:53 PM.
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